Useful French Phrases

Having a grasp of a few French phrases makes your interaction with the natives so much easier. Learn these phrases and don't forget to practise them before your vacation.
Greetings and General Interaction

These are some of the most common phrases you'll be using. In Paris it's important to begin every conversation with a greeting (such as Bonjour, and end with thanks (merci). In this section you'll find some of the common phrases you'll need to interact with people in general.

Good day, or Hello
Bonjour <... read more
Restaurants And Shopping

Almost all restaurants in Paris will have some English speaking staff, but it's not always the case in small shops. You'll also find that you get better service when you attempt to speak French in restaurants.

The menu, please
la carte, s'il vous plaît.

Could I please get the bill (typically used asking for... read more

Parisiens are used to tourists and if you have a smattering of French, you can easily find your way around. Keep these simple phrases in mind as you explore the city

Where is the metro?
Où est le métro?

Where does this train go?
Où va ce train?

A one-way ticket
Un aller simple... read more
Safety And Security

We hope you'll never have to use any of the phrases in this section, but it's good insurance to have them handy in case you're ever in need of them.

Don't touch me
Ne me touchez pas

I'm calling the police.
J'appelle la police


Au v... read more